Fish Bowl Tea Party, May  2016 to Present

Fish Bowl Tea Party is a pagan aquatic chill space. Set up at different festivals, it's a theme camp combing performance art, tarot reading, tea spilling, dance parties, audience participation via interactive scenes, storytelling, and RECYCLED & UP-CYCLED art.

Meditation Mondays, Dec 2017 to Mar 2019
A public library sponsored project that started off as a meditation class and evolved into a Pinterest meets Mindfulness crafting hour with aims to bring library attendance and awareness  and blend that with social interaction across multiple social media platforms. This was the blurb: This monthly series combines crafting and mindfulness education. Each month is a fun new project that will include a meditation practice and something for you to take home and enjoy!

Blacklight Obsession, 2016 - 2017

I became obsessed with UV reactive and glow-in-the-dark paints. I sold around 30 pieces from this ongoing series. Rainbow Raptor originally came from this series. I was fascinated that different scenes could appear based on which type of light was shown upon it.


What We Bring With Us, June 2015

Just by looking at someone you can't know the experiences that have shaped them. As I travel I interview people, taking a phrase of their pain that honed their personality into what it is now and a phrase of how they overcame that pain. These phrases getmixed in with their and 20 others' portraits for a showing about preconception and openness.    

Bowie Portal, BM 2015, Aug 30 - Sep7

The culmination of hundreds of hours of creativity, painting, drawing, singing, acting, teaching, driving, blood, sweat, tears, and true honest effort is here. This was my first time participating in a theme camp experience. I will cherish this as an experiment in replenishing the Artist's Well via sabbatical and indulging in my wander lust. The truest test of great art is whether it is generative or not.